Nationalpark Hohe Tauern

Data management

Systematic and interconnected

Even a protected area such as the Hohe Tauern National Park is not immune to the current problems of increasing data volumes and it is dealing with the issue by introducing a systematic data management programme for research data. Existing data and especially data to be added from the protected area should and must be able to be found and preserved and usable for the long term (data formats).

 At the end of 2017, work started on the conception of requirements and a central geodata management system for cross-border data was implemented. data centre

The "" metadata centre was launched as part of the collaboration with Nationalparks Austria and acts as a metadata database for the Hohe Tauern National park for documenting past and ongoing research projects.

 With, the Austrian national parks provide an information platform about projects, data and publications from the Austrian national parks, primarily from the field of research and natural resource management. In early 2018, the connection to the Nationalpark Austria data centre, the official name of, to the federal open data portal was established, so that metadata will be available for publication and geodata via data.gv and thus in the EU data portal.

 Related links:

Go to the start portal for the data centre.

Start page Hohe Tauern National Park in data centre.

What do we want to achieve


Research in the Hohe Tauern National Park is not an end in itself. All activities are embedded in the research mission of Nationalparks Austria and correspond with the current research concept for the protected area. Read more here…




The council of experts


In order to have a valuable outside perspective of all research activities, the Hohe Tauern National Park set up a scientific council (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat) in 2011. Representatives from a variety of scientific disciplines advise the national park about formulating and further developing its research strategy, about quality assurance and maintaining contact with national and international research institutions.